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“Only One Life Twill Soon Be Past. Only What Is Done For Christ Will Last.” - C.T. STUDD

We don’t believe in “sideline” Christianity. Get off of the bench, prepare and play the game you’ve been dropped in as a child of God…eternities are at stake.

As missionaries, church planters and ministry leaders in arguably the most difficult spiritual context of the United States, we don’t waste time thinking that our arduous journey hasn’t taught us anything. We know God has refined us, allowed us to suffer and given us specific wisdom to not hold for our context but to share to the Bride of Christ that she might weather the storms of the coming cultural climate. Not too many years away the “post-christian” world will be on your doorstep as it currently lives on ours. So are you ready?

The Forest Church is intent on making resources that recalibrate and reform the The Whole Church not just one small church in a dark city. Will you get off the bench with us?



Below are ways you can financially invest in our current projects that have been tested in our context so they can flourish in yours.

Help your CHURCH Prepare for the Maturity iT needs to whether the storms it already has or has not yet met.

When you give - designate - “Invest” - so you can be one of the first to receive copies of the resources when they are finished.



When you survey the ground of the local church today you find few who have a grasp on the Word and the world in which they live - and even fewer who can make sense of them together. Many cannot wrap their minds around the sin they see, the worsening conditions of their day-to-day lives and the way in which those problems point to the whole Bible. Why the crisis? Why the Immaturity? - We’ve let go of First Things.

The Apostle Paul wrote his letter to the Church in Rome in an attempt to set up a new foundation for his missional work across the rest of the European Continent.

He was hoping and intent on using the cultural epicenter of Rome as his new base of operations moving forward. So in writing this letter he had to cover the most valuable things he could. He needed to address The First Things of the faith with these brothers and sisters he had never met. It would be from this foundation that he would build and know that he and they were on the same page, on the same mission, and ready to support him going out.

If you look at the scope of your life or the ministry you are in and you don’t see people moving out into their world for Christ, then it is because they have shifted away from the identity they have been given and the joy in being the recipient of the greatest rescue that ever took place. In addressing The Gospel and its impact on everything - this study is meant to force you to linger in The First Things of Our Faith. This is not a “box-checking” exercise. This isn’t a “daily devotional” either. This is an intentional study meant to slow you down, push you to reflect and allow the Truth of God’s Grace for you, to grow in you.

This 3 Part Study on Romans can be utilized alone, in a one-on-one discipleship relationship or by a few people together.



This short book is a culmination of 7 years of seeking the Lord’s Will through many trials and decisions in my life.

From New Jobs, to Marriage, to Children, to Quitting Jobs, Being Fired for my Faith, Shedding Future Hopes & Careers, to even Facing Power-hungry leaders and False Teachers - this book is meant to deepen any Christian’s consideration of the eternal weight slammed into the day-to-day seasons and the difficulties we encounter.

Jesus promises every Follower that it will cost us to follow Him ( Luke 14:25-35 ). The Scriptures are replete with example after example that prove the words of our Savior ( John 15:18-25 ) and His younger half-brother James ( James 1:2-4 ) correct.

So what exactly are we supposed to do When We Face Trials? What about the everyday difficulties & decisions?

All of these work toward a purpose, and if bent toward the Lord’s way these confusing and nebulous situations become clear. The problem between a mature approach to trials and an immature approach is a persons position upon the truth or upon lies. In immaturity, trials are approached from a defensive position on our heels, instead of running forward and leaning into them as we have been encouraged to do in His Word. Our lives have much more value, our steps have much more intention, and our work in God’s Kingdom is either for Him or nothing at all. Clarity and courage lie at the base of your decisions when you have the right view of yourself, your trials and His Will.

This material is being reviewed to enter the publishing process, and we could use your help to get it across the finish line and into a publishers hand.



In the contemporary struggle against true identity, the modern Christian has been duped, complicit and badgered into submission. The rupture of church after church, after congregation, after missions organization across America and beyond over the last 3 years has created a groundswell of truth to be discovered for those brave enough to look. People, leaders, ministers, and congregations have appealed to the World as the answer to reconciliation, salvation and unity. They have bastardized the truth handed down to us by God by not holding the Truth of their New Life in Christ as all consuming and important. So where does one begin to understand their identity in the Lord? How do we approach this topic that is not talked about enough? We must go to the source. To the Foundation. It’s here we need to deeply understand where it begins for each of us who have called upon the name of the Lord.

This 3 year project is nearing its written completion and will be a resource for people to use to walk through the Gospel, but to do so dynamically. Written in a “flipbook” style, this over 100-page dive into the Gospel has been tested in real time, with real people, in a group setting to ascertain its efficacy and gauge its ability to help people grow. From those brand new to the Faith, to someone who has many years of maturity, this resource is meant for everyone who is seeking to “make their faith sure” so they never stumble ( 2 Peter 1:10 ).

Full of questions, reflections, and passages to research, it can be read and worked through individually, in a small group or to teach a class.

Click the button to the left to give toward this project so Christians here in the city and beyond can learn the depths of their Salvation with others!


We live in a hostile culture. Moving people out into their own worlds to take risks for Christ requires foundation, growth, and the family necessary to fall back on. An Abiding Family seeks to provide a smaller structure of support within the local church to create such an environment. Being the church to each other and being involved in regular life with one another is one of the great benefits of being in Christ. Truth be told, the Church should be the place we find the best Family on earth! The problem is we don’t trust the Family Model that the Lord has given us for discipleship.

For all of us, it is “just easier” to “be a community” and hang out. Real talk thought: you have “friends” on Facebook for that, and just about 100,000 “communities” you can join there too so you can “belong”.

Truthfully, This Family, the one the Lord birthed in Acts 2 by the power of the Holy Spirit that supernaturally enables believers to hold all things in common is available to all Christian Leaders who do the work and trust the Lord’s process over their desires and comfort. This is hard work because it is the work of reform. Reform for the leader and the congregant.

This resource and structure is one born out of 7 years of ministry experience in one of the hardest contexts in North America. In a place where identity steals the show and people are autonomous, unengaged and prideful, this structure is being practiced and is thriving. So thriving has this structure been that it has been used for young adults, for youth and is being modeled as a way to develop the culture of family in leadership circles and is about to be launched for seniors! - PRAISE THE LORD

In New Orleans, if it’s going to work it better be Biblical. The gimmicks, quick fixes and “3 step methods” don’t work around here. And if in our multi-cultural society of every stripe and background our Bed Rock method is just God’s method, then it should be your method too.

This Authenticity of Church Family isn’t a process, It is built through Fatherly Shepherding, Consistency and Foundational Practice at being The Family of God.

Do you want a revitalization in the people of your church to finally reach across the isle and be hospitable to each other and hold all things in common?

Then invest now to see this resource completed.

If it can work in our city…it will work in yours.